Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Food Storage is FUN?! YES!

where does one begin? how much do we need? how can it be cost effective?

Years ago before marriage was in my thoughts I was serving a mission in Georgia, one week in Relief Society Sister Walker was giving the lesson on Food Storage. She made food storage seem so fun, exciting and rewarding, I couldn't wait to marry and begin a food storage for my own family. Now that I am there, married and ready I realized this can be quite a daunting task for 2 little newlyweds on a small budget, and especially for a little new wife who doesn't know how to use all these things to cook with, how am I to learn?? AHHHHH!

I am very lucky to have a husband like Joe who understands and wants to follow the commandments, we know the Lord through his Prophets has asked us to have food storage. So we set out to get a head start on this! But where do we store all this food in our studio apartment? IKEA to the rescue, we found a great little shelf that is just right! Now we just needed to fill the shelves, as we ventured off to the store we thought of things we eat normally and looked for things on sale. To many of you veteran food storage gurus out there this may be the tiniest dent ever when it comes to how much we actually need, but to us newlyweds this was a huge head start!

Now my goal is to learn all I can about storing, cooking, rotating, replenishing, and growing our little food storage supply. I want this priciple to always be a part of our lives so that as our family grows its not something we have to think about, its just part of who we are!

If anyone out there wants to learn together or has some great tips this new wife could use, feel free to share! Thank you!


Unknown said...

Nice! I remember doing the same thing right after we got married. We had a small little closet with two shelves and it was packed to the brim!! Couponing is the best way to stock up!

BTO said...

good for you! We didn't eat anything yesterday because we are doing a body cleanse. Cam later commented "we better get our food storage up to par, because it would suck to be hungry". True facts of life. You have a great start! We go to Costco and stock up on canned tomatoes, beans, the things we use on a weekly basis. Somedays if money allowed we would buy two instead of one. We had a spreadsheet that allowed us to see when things would expire.

Good luck! It's kinda fun. I'm still learning how to cook.

And i agree couponing is the best way!

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